Article X Elections

Section 1: Elections shall be supervised by an Elections Committee consisting of three members elected annually at the regular April meeting of the general membership. No officer or chairperson of another committee may serve on this Committee.

Section 2: The Elections Committee shall conduct an annual election for the Secretary, and the Treasurer of the Association, and for new members of the four standing committees prior to April 30th of each year and, in alternate years, an election for the President Elect.

The Elections Committee shall make every effort to assure that at least two candidates are nominated for each office, including all nominations made at the September meeting, and such other nominations received by the Elections Committee prior to its deadline.

Section 3: Election of officers and members of the standing committees shall be conducted by a ballot mailed to all active members. The Elections Committee shall be responsible for creating and distributing the ballots, tabulating the results of the voting, and announcing the results of the election to the membership within two days after the close of balloting. The newly-elected officers and committee members shall assume office October 1st. The election of committee chairpersons will be officiated by the elections committee within two (2) weeks of the general elections.

Section 4: The Elections Committee shall supervise nominations and elections to standing committees in accordance with the procedures and deadlines established in sections 1-3 above. Each year three members will be elected to each committee, the two receiving the largest number of votes serving two-year terms and the other serving a one-year term. No officer may be elected to a standing committee.

Section 5: All officers and committee members must be active members of the Association in good standing. Terms of office shall be as follows: 1) President Elect –serves one (I) year term and then automatically succeeds to office of President; 2) President — serves two (2) year term and then automatically succeeds to office of Past President; 3) Past President –serves one (I) year term; 4) Secretary and Treasurer –serve one ( 1) year terms. Members of Standing Committees shall serve terms as established in section 4 above.