Article VI General Meetings

Section 1: Regular meetings of the membership of the Association shall be held at least two times during the academic year. Such meetings shall normally be held in September and April.

Section 2: Special meetings may be called with notice of one calendar week by the President of the Association; by the President Elect of the Association in the absence of the President; by the majority of the Executive Committee; by petition of 20% of the general membership; or by a majority vote of the membership in attendance at the preceding general meeting.

Section 3: All general meetings shall be conducted within the spirit of accepted parliamentary procedure, with Robert’s Rules of Order serving as the final authority .The President may appoint a Parliamentarian as appropriate.

Section 4: Meetings shall be considered officially constituted to conduct business if a quorum equal to 30% of the total membership of the Association is in attendance. Each active member shall be entitled to one vote.