Article VII Officers

Section 1: The officers of the Association shall be a President, a President Elect and a Past President in alternate years, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.

Section 2: The President is charged with the general conduct of the affairs of the Association and, in so doing, shall preside over meetings of the general membership and of the Executive Committee; shall be chairman of the Negotiating Team; shall establish such ad hoc committees as he/she may deem necessary or as directed by either the general membership or the Executive Committee; shall cause an agenda, with reports, as appropriate, of the Executive Committee and each of the standing committees, to be published at least one calendar week before each general meeting; shall function as chief correspondent of the Association; and, shall be empowered to call special meetings of the general membership with notice of one calendar week. The President, or his/her designee, shall represent the Association before the public and exercise all rights and privileges of the office as described in the negotiated agreement.

Section 3: The President Elect shall serve in the absence of the President; shall function, with the President, as liaison to the Association with the National Education Association Rhode Island, the National Labor Relations Board, and other such agencies; shall serve ex-officio as a member of the Contract Committee and the Negotiating Team; shall be member of the Executive Committee; and, shall assist the President in the general management of the Association, as directed.

Section 4: The Secretary shall record, distribute, and maintain minutes of all general meetings; shall record, distribute, and maintain minutes of all open meetings of the Executive Committee; shall record and maintain minutes of all closed meetings of the Executive Committee; shall maintain files of minutes and reports of all standing and special committees which shall be available to any active member upon request except for reasons stated by the Executive Committee; shall assist the President in correspondence; shall be a member of the Executive Committee; and, shall serve ex officio as a member of the Public Relations Committee.

Section 5: The Treasurer shall hold funds, oversee collection of dues, and disburse funds as authorized by the Executive Committee and/or the general membership; shall maintain accurate records of receipts and disbursements; shall routinely report on the financial condition of the Association at regularly scheduled general meetings; shall prepare an annual financial statement for distribution to the general membership; shall prepare and file Department of Labor LM-3 reports, IRS forms, and all other mandated forms and reports; shall maintain a roll of active members; shall be member of the Executive Committee; and, shall serve ex-officio as a member of the Finance Committee.

Section 6: The Past President shall provide advice and counsel to the President and members of the Executive Committee; shall serve, ex officio, on the Contract Committee, the Negotiating Team, and as a nonvoting member of the Executive Committee; shall serve in the absence of the President; and shall otherwise assist the President in the general management of the Association, as required.