Article VIII Executive Committee

Section 1: The executive authority of the Association shall be vested in the Executive Committee, which shall have the power to act in behalf of the membership. A majority of the membership of the Committee shall be deemed a quorum and shall enable the Committee to conduct business.

Section 2: The Executive Committee shall consist of nine persons: the four officers of the Association and the chairpersons of each of the five standing committees. Each member of the Executive Committee with the exception of the Past President shall have one vote. The members of the bargaining unit may vote to grant voting privileges to the Past President at the September general meeting.

Section 3: The Executive Committee shall meet as necessary during the academic year, at times determined by a majority of the Committee or the President of the Association. The Committee shall be empowered to declare any of its meetings closed. Minutes or reports of such closed meetings will be available to the general membership upon the request of a majority of the general membership. All other meetings of the Executive Committee shall be open to the general membership. Times and places of open meetings shall be convenient to the general membership. Normally, the President shall announce open meetings to the general members via electronic mail/bulletin board.

Section 4: The Executive Committee, as directed by the President, shall establish the Association’s Negotiating Team. This Negotiating Team shall be empowered to negotiate contracts with the Board of Trustees of the University, based upon proposals presented to it by the Contract Committee; shall determine priority of items and issues to be negotiated; and, shall be authorized to enter into tentative agreements with representatives of the administration.

Section 5: Contracts negotiated between the Negotiating Team and the Board of Trustees of Roger Williams University shall require the affirmative approval of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee, before being communicated to the membership for final ratification.  Such ratification shall be either (1) by majority vote of all active members present at a duly called general meeting, or (2) by a majority vote of all active members voting through regular or electronic mail, the method as determined by the Executive Committee.  Any mail vote shall be conducted by the Executive Committee.  Contracts negotiated by the Negotiating Team or any other individual members of the Association, in the absence of such a majority affirmative vote, shall not be binding upon the Association or its membership. In the absence of a negotiated settlement, any decision concerning a work stoppage shall be made by majority vote of the members present at a duly called general meeting.

Section 6: Decisions and actions of the Executive Committee shall be binding upon the Association, but may be rescinded by a majority vote of the members in attendance at any general meeting. The Committee shall report its decisions and actions to date to the general membership at each general meeting.

Section 7: The Executive Committee shall have the power to employ staff, recommend dues and budgets, form committees, hold hearings, call general meetings, disburse funds, and perform other actions it deems necessary for the completion of its duties.