Article IX Standing Committees

Section 1: Standing committees shall function as extensions of the Executive Committee and shall have the power to act on behalf of the Association, except in areas specifically reserved to the Executive Committee or the general membership. Actions or decisions of standing committees shall be subject to review of the Executive Committee and/or the general membership and may be overturned by a majority vote of either body.

Each standing committee, at a meeting called by the President (within one week of the general election), will nominate one or more of its members to be its Chairperson. The Chairperson will be confirmed by majority vote of the general membership by a secret ballot at a site to be determined by the Elections Committee. Each Chairperson shall act as the committee’s representative on the Executive Committee. Each committee shall be expected to report its actions to the President of the Association. Each meeting of each committee shall be considered duly constituted to conduct business if a majority of its membership is present. Standing committees shall have the right to subdivide themselves, form ad hoc committees, and conduct hearings as their business may dictate. Each member of each standing committee shall have one vote.

Section 2: The Contract Committee shall be composed of five elected members of the Association and the President Elect or Past President, ex-officio; shall function as the primary agent of the Executive Committee in preparing final proposals as to compensation and conditions of service for inclusion in the contract; shall solicit and consider recommendations from the membership of the Association concerning items to be negotiated; and, as appropriate, shall gather and maintain data on salaries, fringe benefits, academic freedom, and related matters from individuals and other institutions. Contract proposals made by this Committee must be approved by the Executive Committee for inclusion in negotiations prior to presentation to the Negotiating Team for action.

Section 3: The Grievance Committee shall be composed of five elected members; shall be responsible for facilitating the procedures for redress of grievances for members of the bargaining unit; shall hear, investigate, and decide on the disposition of grievances filed by members of the Association; and, shall be responsible for making recommendations to the Contract Committee concerning grievance procedures and other negotiable matters which it deems appropriate.

Section 4: The Finance Committee shall be composed of five elected members and the Treasurer ex-officio; shall be responsible for the implementation of the Association’s senior awards for academic excellence; shall conduct, or cause to be conducted, a regular audit of the Association’s financial records and the communication of the audit report to the general membership; and, shall recommend to the Contract Committee any items which it believes should be included in future negotiations.

Section 5: The Public Relations Committee shall be composed of five elected members; shall be responsible for facilitating the flow of information and views from the Executive Committee to the membership; shall assist the President or his/her designee in producing and distributing regular newsletters and/or other communications to the membership; and shall keep the membership apprized of the scholarly, research, and public service activities of the membership.

Section 6:  The Membership Committee shall be composed of five elected members; shall be responsible for implementing the membership guidelines in Article V; for ensuring that new faculty are contacted regarding the obligations and benefits of membership and the procedures for becoming a member; a for ensuring that the membership list is accurate and that all faculty are aware of their membership status.